The Tactile Control Function Protocol Based on EDCA in IEEE 802.11n for Haptic Communication in Ad Hoc Networks

Autor Chenke Rong
Date 06. March 2018
Degree Master
Title The Tactile Control Function Protocol Based on EDCA in IEEE 802.11n for Haptic Communication in Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract In the future, increasingly tactile information will be transmitted over the Internet, what is the haptic communication in the tactile internet. For example, the wireless remote mobile robot in the field of engineering, medical, public safety, logistics and so on. Tactile information transmission is the basis of these applications. The biggest challenge for these applications is the round trip latency 1 ms, Long-distance or multi-hop wireless transmission will inevitably bring about delay and packet-loss. In order to ensure Quality of Experience (QoE) and optimal latency, we have improved EDCA mechanism on the basis of IEEE 802.11n, and developed an enhanced Coordination Function protocol for Haptic Communication applications, the tactile control function (TCF) protocol.

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