
Current projects

OvGU-TDU-Informatik (DAAD/TDU)
Duration: 01.08.2023 bis 31.08.2026

Die weitere Etablierung des Studiengangs BSc Informatik an der TDU in Istanbul ist Ziel des Folgeprojekts. Weiterhin wird die Etablierung des MSc Informatik vorangetrieben.

Der Informatik-Studiengang wird an der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der
Türkisch-Deutschen Universität in den nächsten Jahren weiterhin von der OVGU in
Kooperation mit Partnern aus deutschen Hochschulen betreut.

Eine enge Abstimmung mit Forschungseinrichtungen und mit den Gründungspartnern aus der Türkei ist die Grundlage für eine gute Zusammenarbeit.

In den letzten Jahren konnten bereits verschiedene Meilensteine im Projekt erreicht werden, sodass eine Verlängerung des Projekt bis 2026 erzielt werden konnte.

Ein Kooperationsvertrag mit dem Ziel eines Abkommens zum Doppelabschluss ist weiterhin in Bearbeitung.

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6G Testbed and research campus
Duration: 01.01.2022 bis 31.12.2025

The future of the internet will be completely wireless. Mobile networks play a central role in our lives, both in the smart home, the Internet of Things and for industrial applications. However, mobile networks are constantly changing. With 6G, the future generation that is expected by 2030, immersion will take center stage, and technologies such as augmented reality (AR), holograms, ultra-availability and haptic communication will be the technology driver for future development.
This text was translated with DeepL

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Magdeburg Internet of Things Lab (MIoT-Lab)
Duration: 01.01.2018 bis 31.12.2025

Im Rahmen des MIoT-Lab wird eine Experimentierumgebung für drahtlose Multi-hop-Netze entwickelt. Sie umfasst die Hardware, Software, eine Experimentierbeschreibungssprache und die gesamte Infrastruktur, die nötig ist um replizierbare Experimente in einer Real-Welt-Umgebung durchzuführen.

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Completed projects

Neighborhood-Aware Broadcasting in Wireless Multi-Hop Network
Duration: 01.01.2022 bis 30.11.2023

The setup of Wireless Multi-Hop Networks (WMHNs) is flexible, fast and cost efficient. WMHNs are used for example in community networks (e.g. Freifunk), home automation (e.g. ZigBee) and are discussed for future telecommunication systems (e.g. 6G). However, the scalability of WMHNs remains challenging. Due to the decentralized nature and the shared medium every communication between the network nodes effects the nodes around. Therefore it is essential to avoid every preventable communication.

Broadcasts are essential for network services including routing protocols that are using them to find routes for unicast messages. Broadcasts in WMHNs can lead to a lot of redundant communication.
Without specialized Broadcast protocols WMHNs can be overloaded - the so called Broadcast Storm Problem: nodes that are forwarding the broadcast message interfere other nodes in the neighborhood that are also forward the broadcast message. Good Broadcast strategies reduce the forwarding of broadcast messages and still reach all or the vast majority of the network nodes.

We developed a Broadcast strategy that uses information of the 2-Hop-Neighborhood topology as well as the information, which node already forwarded the broadcast in the 1-hop-neighborhood. Based on this strategy we develop different variants of Broadcast protocols that reduces the number of nodes that are forwarding the Broadcast message.

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OvGU-TDU-Informatik (DAAD/TDU)
Duration: 01.08.2021 bis 31.07.2023

Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Etablierung des Studiengangs BSc Informatik an der TDU in Istanbul.
Der Aufbau des Informatik-Studiengangs an der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der
Türkisch-Deutschen Universität soll in den nächsten Jahren unter Federführung der OVGU in
Kooperation mit Partnern aus deutschen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen und in
enger Abstimmung mit den Gründungspartnern aus der Türkei erfolgen.

In den letzten 3 Jahren konnten bereits verschiedene Meilensteine im Projekt erreicht werden, sodass eine Verlängerung des Projekt bis 2023 erzielt werden konnte.

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DoRIoT: Dynamic Runtime Environment for organic (dis-)aggregating IoT Processes
Duration: 01.05.2019 bis 31.07.2022

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), the goal of the joint project DORIOT is to transform the centralized architecture of current SmartX environments into a dynamic architecture, to enhance static methods and tools into dynamic ones, and, using the methods of organic computing, to build the foundation of emergent systems. By employing organic computing impending failures or low QoS can be detected ahead of time and, thus, allows to employ counter measures by (dis-)aggregation of the affected services. In addition to increased fault tolerance, a uniform communication infrastructure is developed which seamlessly integrates existing protocols by using cross-protocol-proxies. This allows to cross protocol borders transparently and enables emergence. Based on the requirements and the goal to integrate existing products, APIs, and infrastructures the run-time environment was chosen: The RIOT operating system, developed for embedded devices, implements the POSIX API, which has the biggest market share on servers and in cloud computing systems. Similarly the SelectScript VM for migrated services runs on every device class. Thus the provided APIs no longer limits on which device a service is runnable, but only the required resources.

The use of code migrations results in new challenges for security and safety. Existing access control mechanisms are either centralized and, thus, a performance bottleneck, or they are too inflexible to adequately reflect the dynamics of privileges and capabilities in emergent systems. To cope with both issues a decentralized and dynamic mechanism for access control is developed. Another challenge is to assure correct operation after a service migrated to a new device. Certifying algorithms separate the verification of an algorithm’s results from the actual computation and provide efficient verification. This allows to integrate untrusted systems by performing the verification on trusted systems.

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OvGU-TDU-Informatik (DAAD/TDU)
Duration: 01.08.2018 bis 31.07.2021

Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Etablierung des Studiengangs BSc Informatik an der TDU in Istanbul. 
Der Aufbau des Informatik-Studiengangs an der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der
Türkisch-Deutschen Universität soll in den nächsten Jahren unter Federführung der OVGU in
Kooperation mit Partnern aus deutschen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen und in
enger Abstimmung mit den Gründungspartnern aus der Türkei erfolgen.

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Efficient Communication in Wireless Multi Hop Networks with Analysis of the 2-Hop-Neighborhood
Duration: 01.01.2017 bis 31.12.2020

With knowledge about the structure of the local neighborhood (2 hops wide), decisions about the forwarding of messages can be made on a better data basis. By avoiding unnecessary communication, both energy and bandwidth are saved in the naturally limited frequency bands.
The scope of this project is the evaluation of broadcasting and the development of protocols that make use of the given neighborhood information.

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FEMININ quer durchs Land
Duration: 01.04.2019 bis 31.12.2020

Ziel des Projektes ist es, junge Frauen ab Klassenstufe 11 mit spezifischen, aufeinander aufbauenden Angeboten für Mathematik, Informatik, Technik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften zu begeistern und sie bei Ihrer Talentfindung, Berufs- und Studienwahl zu unterstützen. Mit dieser Maßnahme soll der Anteil studierender Frauen im MINT-Bereich erhöht und dem Fachkräftemangel in natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Berufen begegnet werden. Durch die genderspezifische Förderung der Schülerinnen im Projekt, wird Ihnen der Einstieg in die Studien- und Berufswelt erleichtert.

FEMININ setzt in der neuen Projektlaufzeit den Fokus auf die ländlichen Regionen Sachsen-Anhalts. Die FEMININ-Tour wird in ganz Sachsen-Anhalt präsent sein und insbesondere Regionen wie Salzwedel, Mansfeld-Südharz und Wittenberg besuchen. Den Projekttagen in Schulen werden sich weiterführende digitale Angebote wie Webinare, E-Learning-Einheiten, Interviews und Online-Beratungsstunden anschließen. Chatten, teilen, liken - Austausch in virtuellen Räumen. Bei den geplanten Science-Camps ist die aktive Teilnahme und kreatives Arbeiten in mehrtägigen Workshops gefragt. Frauenpowertage zu verschiedenen Firmen und Institutionen aus dem natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Bereich sowie Praktika runden das gesamte Angebot des Projektes ab. Zudem bietet das Programm die Möglichkeit zum Austausch mit jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Studentinnen und schafft Raum für neue Erfahrungen.

Das Projekt wird in Kooperation mit der Hochschule Merseburg durchgeführt. Die Kooperationspartner bündeln ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen und stellen daraus ein neues integriertes, landesweites Angebot bereit.

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Haptic communications in wireless multi-hop networks
Duration: 01.10.2016 bis 30.09.2019

With the appearance of new broadband technology and future 5G networks the internet offers new capabilities for applications. Through increasing bandwidth and decreasing latency haptic communication will soon be feasible. The vision of a tactile internet will become reality.

In this project we study applications for this type of communication, for example in robotics, smart cities or cat-2car communication.  We mainly focus on wireless multi-hop networks. The the main goals of this project are 

  • to develop models to predict latency behavior, 
  • research new protocols for haptic communication and 
  • propose new approaches to handle the highly dynamic and unpredictable behavior of such networks.

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Indoor Positioning with the Internet of Things
Duration: 01.10.2016 bis 30.09.2019

Reliable and real-time indoor positioning are required in the future generation of communications networks.  GPS cannot be deployed for indoor applications because line-of-sight transmission between receivers and satellites is not possible in an indoor environment. There are various obstacles such as walls, equipment influencing the propagation of electromagnetic waves, which lead to multi-path and path-loss effects. Some interference and noise sources from other wired and wireless networks degrade the accuracy of positioning. There are approaches that enable distance measurement and location by analyzing of specific physical characteristics of radio signals. It is important to have a mathematical model which models the behavior of the signal in deferent environments. The model also helps the developer to design realistic simulation tool.

Objectives of the project

- Implementation of positioning techniques in embedded hardware and simulation environment.

- Performance evaluation of real-time indoor positioning in MIoT-testbed

- Analyze the issues such as multi-path loss effect, obstacles, interference and time synchronization.

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Medium Access Control Protocol for Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network
Duration: 01.10.2016 bis 30.09.2018

Industrial Wireless Sensors and Actuators Networks (IWSANs) are becoming increasingly emerging to realize the Industry 4.0 - smart factory concept. Process automation and factory automation are two of the important applications of the smart industry. In this regard, the objectives in achieving reliability, low latency, and as well as energy efficiency through Medium Access Control (MAC) are extensively researched.
In this project, we exploit MAC layer to propose an adaptive MAC protocol based on time slotted structure and channel hopping for industrial control applications. The protocol targets to meet the traffic requirements of two states of the control system: transient and steady state.
We take into account dynamics of the process control system so that the the protocol is adaptive to varying states of the process controller and satisfy its upstream and downstream traffic flows.

Objectives and evaluation:

-Proposed an adaptive and deterministic MAC protocol.

-Evaluate the protocol through simulation for various performance metrics such reliability, latency, and energy efficiency.

-Evaluate the protocol on the MIoT testbed for the above mentioned performance metrics.

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Effective security warning approach for mobile devices regarding potential personal impacts of malware attacks
Duration: 01.10.2016 bis 31.10.2017

This thesis focuses on a specific human-machine-interface (HMI) scenario, where human users remotely control cyber-physical systems (CPS) with a mobile device. Examples are tablets or smartphones, which control entertainment systems in modern cars or navigate mobile robots in domestic or industrial areas. In this thesis malware attacks on mobile devices are in focus which potential affect interconnected CPS. This research focuses on two personal impacts on users of mobile devices: security (privacy) and safety (life and limb) impacts.

Classical approaches against malware are automated detection and reaction strategies, e.g. identifying and removing of malware from systems. This thesis introduces a warning approach as completion to classical approaches. It based on the idea of early introducing human users of mobile devices into the solution process to early protect users against personal security and safety impacts of malware attacks on mobile devices with potential effects on CPS.

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