
Jana Eisoldt successfully defended her Master Thesis

23.06.2022 -

Jana Eisoldt successfully defended her Master Thesis with the topic "Access Control in the Internet of Things: Secure Transfer, Validation, and Enforcement of Capability Tokens in RIOT".

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Jon-Mailes Graeffe successfully defended his Bachelor Thesis

07.06.2022 -

Jon-Mailes Graeffe successfully defended his Bachelor Thesis with the topic "Teleoperation of Quadrotor Drones using Haptic Devices".

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Master's Thesis Defense of Moritz Marquardt

17.05.2022 -

Moritz Marquardt will defend his Master's Thesis on Tuesday May 24th at 2pm.

The topic are interoperable certifying algorithms on embedded systems.

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ComSys Paper Accepted for VTC 2022 Spring Workshop

28.04.2022 -

The joint paper Performance of Routing Protocols over TDMA MAC for Robotic Swarms in Space Exploration by authors from ComSys and DLR was accepted.
It will be presented at the colocated Workshop on Mission Critical Communications at VTC 2022 Spring in Helsinki.

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ComSys organisiert den 2. Workshop »Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems« (TCoNS)

25.04.2022 -

Die AG Communication and Networked Systems (ComSys) von Prof. Güneş organisiert zum zweiten mal den Workshop »Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems« (TCoNS).

TCoNS beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Trends zum Thema Internet of Things, sowie mit Herausforderungen des zukünftigen Internets.
Mit dem Untertitel »How to Build Trustful IoT Systems?« geht es in diesem Jahr insbesondere um vertrauenswürdige IoT-Systeme.

In diesem Jahr ist TCoNS Teil des IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), das vom 25-29 April 2022 in Budapest stattfindet.
Der Workshop-Tag ist Freitag der 29. April 2022.

Link zum Workshop:

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TDU students 2021/2022


Another group of 9 students from the TDU Istanbul finished their first semester here at FIN OvGU and looking forward to experience the summer semester.

TDU Students 2122

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Master's Thesis Defese Johannes Behrens

08.02.2022 -

Johannes Behrens will defend his Master's Thesis "Implementierung und Analyse der Taktilen Koordinierungsfunktion im MIoT-Testbed" on Thursday, 10. Feb 2022, 12:00 noon.

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Master Thesis Defense Pham Huu Quang

07.01.2022 -

Pham Huu Quang will defend his thesis on the 7th of January 2021 at 11:00. The thesis is titled:

The Pressure Fluctuation Monitoring System: Obtaining Accurately Synchronized Measurement From Multiple Sensors Using PTP And Bit-Banging I2C

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TCoNS Workshop held in co-location with IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2022

18.11.2021 -

The ComSys group is going to organize the second Workshop on Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems (TCoNS) in co-location with the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2022 between 25 and 29 April 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.

Interested researchers from the field of IoT are highly welcome to submit papers. See the TCoNS website for submission guidelines.

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Last Modification: 17.09.2020 - Contact Person: Manuela Kanneberg