
Master's Thesis Defese Johannes Behrens

08.02.2022 -

Johannes Behrens will defend his Master's Thesis "Implementierung und Analyse der Taktilen Koordinierungsfunktion im MIoT-Testbed" on Thursday, 10. Feb 2022, 12:00 noon.

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Master Thesis Defense Pham Huu Quang

07.01.2022 -

Pham Huu Quang will defend his thesis on the 7th of January 2021 at 11:00. The thesis is titled:

The Pressure Fluctuation Monitoring System: Obtaining Accurately Synchronized Measurement From Multiple Sensors Using PTP And Bit-Banging I2C

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TCoNS Workshop held in co-location with IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2022

18.11.2021 -

The ComSys group is going to organize the second Workshop on Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems (TCoNS) in co-location with the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2022 between 25 and 29 April 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.

Interested researchers from the field of IoT are highly welcome to submit papers. See the TCoNS website for submission guidelines.

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ComSys Paper Accepted for IEEE CCNC

14.10.2021 -

The paper Kinesthetic Coding Based on the Fast Wavelet Transform for Remote-Controlling a Quadrotor Drone by Frank Engelhardt, Sophie Herbrechtsmeyer and Mesut Güneş was accepted to the conference IEEE CCNC 2022.

It will be part of the track Communication and Applications for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on Land, Water, and Sky.

The IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) is held annually in conjunction with the CES in Las Vegas.

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Jana Eisoldt gewinnt Frauen-MINT-Award

11.06.2021 -

Master Studentin Jana Eisoldt wird am Freitag den 11. Juni um 12 Uhr ein Frauen-MINT-Award überreicht.
Den Preis erhält Frau Eisoldt für ihre Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel Secure IoT Device Commissioning.

Interessierte können sich für die digitale Veranstaltung anmelden.

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Master Thesis Defense Fin Christensen

30.04.2021 -

Fin Christensen will defend his Master Thesis on the 30th of April at 14 o'clock.

The topic is:

Swarm Communication in Space
Evaluating Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols for In-Situ Space Exploration Networks

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Preisverleihung GI

22.04.2021 -

Am vergangenen Samstag, den 24.04.2021 fand die Preisverleihung für den Preis von der GI online statt.Unsere HiWi Jana Eisoldt war für den Preis nominiert und hat erfolgreich an der Preisverleihung teilgenommen.

Genauere Informationen und die Anmeldung sind hier:

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Comsys sucht WiMi

23.04.2021 -

Der Lehrstuhl ComSys sucht einen Mitarbeiter zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt.

Details zur Stellenausschreibung ist zu finden in der offiziellen OVGU Stellenausschreibung.

Link zur Stellenausschreibung

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Master Thesis Defense Tharakeswara Rao

04.03.2021 -

Tharakeswara Rao hlds the defense for his Master Thesis with the title "Application of Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Channel Prediction in the Internet of Things".

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Last Modification: 17.09.2020 - Contact Person: Manuela Kanneberg